The scoring and performance analysis for this programme differ from the other UK NEQAS BC programmes, in that the content and format of the report figure largely in the performance score awarded. The results of genetic studies are often dealt with by individuals who are not experts in the field of molecular haemostasis and therefore it is important that the report should be clear and 'stand alone'.
Reports from participants are anonymised and then scored by the Specialist Advisory Group using three categories; clerical, genotyping and interpretation.
Laboratories that participate in the scheme but fail to return a report within the designated time frame are deemed to have failed that particular exercise.
In line with Clinical Molecular Genetics (CGMS) policy, each report is scored on the basis of:
Failure in any one category confers an overall fail for the exercise.
Each laboratory receives a report with their individual scores and in addition, a summary report with comments that were highlighted during that particular exercise. Cases are chosen to reflect the variety of referrals that a genetics laboratory is likely to see and the questions posed to them.